It's really quite unbelievable!
The big M$ has decided that it has discovered 'Tabbed Browsing'.
I don't know about other people, but my experience with M$IE has been that
it doesn't know what a tab is!
Now, I know that this patent is aimed at being able to navigate around a page by using the tab key to find the next link, but hey, that's been around for years. I can remember using it to get around with Lynx (now that's showing yr age!). So I'm sure it'll never stand up when legally challenged.
As far as I'm concerned 'Tabbed Browsing' or 'Tabbed Navigation' is the joy of being able to group navigation threads together in the same window by opening links in new tabs, thus building a sort of two dimensional map of your recent browsing history.
This is a feature that is totally absent from the flagship M$IE, so if you're unfortunate enough to be using it for a serious surfing session, you end up a screen full of unconnected windows.
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