I have noticed a disturbing trend lately.
It is very subtle, but once you notice it, it gets you thinking,
... and then it makes you get very worried.
Have you noticed how, as you are happily whizzing around your computer (probably on the internet), you think ...
"I just clicked that!" and nothing is happening.
So you click it again and away it (whatever it is) goes.
You are gratified by a response, so you think nothing more of that "lost click".
What happened to it! Where did it go?
At first, once I noticed it, I put the blame on a slightly dodgy mouse, but then I realised it was happening on other computers. "Yes... I definitely clicked that!"
So maybe it's a crap feature of using Windoz; but then I spotted it happening on the KDE-Linux Desktop!
I would now happily bet that the Macs do it too (even if they have got only one button)!
So whats it all about?
Are all these clicks accumulating in some sort of electronic version of an elephants graveyard?
(What would be the collective pronoun for a collection of clicks? ... a tapdance? ... a telegraph? )
... or is it something more sinister!
Is someone actually collecting them, and if so, what for??!!
Is it a manevolent collector who is going to unleash them all at once on the unsuspecting, as some sort of "click-storm"?
Or is it a corrupt commercial ruse, to collect up valid clicks and then use them for "
click fraud"?
Perhaps on a commercial site selling "automatic" buttonless mice, ("No clicks required!").
I don't know, but it's spooky!
What? me; paranoid? ...err no? Should I be?
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